I am still listening to the Christmas music at least a couple of hours a day. To the left is my all time favorite holiday album. These young singers are just embarrassing themselves trying to remake the classics – let them stick to the more contemporary stuff.
Still plenty going on with at least two jobs in addition to battening down for the winter. We spent some time last week adding door seals, additional insulation, etc. It got cold early this year and seems like it is going to hang around for a while.
We got the major portion of the sole installed on the
Island Packet. The small part in the forward cabin should be templated and cut today.

The service on the Caterpillar engines is also moving right along. When you start pulling hoses, you often find things you did not expect. This is going to take a bit of clean up!

I really like the engine room on this boat – it is bright and seems easy to work in (although you won’t find me working in there). The entry door is a bit on the “slim man” size which is the primary draw back.

We should be having our Christmas luncheon today or tomorrow. I can only assume what it will be this year, but I can guess: