Still basically alone. I still have Izzy here and Kevin came in to try to revive his paint guns which were left in such poor condition it is doubtful that they will ever spray right again.
Izzy was busy with some name boards from a recently sold boat. We have used all methods to strip nameboards but since we were out of stripper, we used the heat gun yesterday which I always had good luck with.
As you can see, all evidence of the old name has been erased. It isn’t always this easy. Much of it depends on how much sun the name has been exposed to and this boat has been kept inside for most of it’s unused time.
Useful Tidbit
Every once in a while I like to throw out something you can really use. I get calls from Eastbay owners wanting to know where to get replacement hatch lifts. The company is Bansbach Easylift located down in Florida. They have an online store and are very helpful if you need to call them. It is best if you get the part number off your old lifts first.