Although not as cold as it could be, there was a good thick layer of frost out there this morning and I don’t feel like moving too far from my desk where the tiny little electric heater is the primary heat source. Maybe I should have picked up John’s fever so I would be warmer! We had a late afternoon visit yesterday from a cute little furry fellow. I wanted to get closer to get a photo, but you know….

We had a Legacy 28 show up last night to be unloaded in the dark. This boat took some damage from Sandy and was slated to come down for repairs but we don’t usually have trucks show up after hours to get unloaded.

We started off the day getting this in the building. On one of our rolling cradles it tucks nicely into the paint tent.

We removed the fuel fills from the Grand Banks yesterday. I went to get some Awlgrip metal primer which was a zinc-chromate type paint. Awlgrip now has a new product called
Controlled Fusion to replace that which actually comes in a spray can. That is not only a time saver, but a money saver as well.

We also need to stop the leaking on the davit. We had to pull the little protective cowl to find out what was going on in there. We will need to remove all the old caulking. We don’t know what it was but we know what it wasn’t – it wasn’t a flexible, long life bedding.