Back again after a delightful long weekend. Only a few boats left with actual schedules but the late night Fridays should be over for a while. There are several large jobs going on – both going into the brokerage department when the work is done. But we do need to get these boats listed so we can get them sold. There’s actually profit in boat sales – not so much (actually, none) in boat repairs.
We only had a few boats left that were just storage boats – one of which we got out of the building on Friday.

We had a lot of pick ups on Friday and Saturday. We try to spend some time with customers when they arrive to go over the work that was done when possible.

We were here until after 6:30 Friday night getting the air conditioning finished up on the GB32. We actually had about 5 people out there working on a 32 foot boat – which gets a little tight.

This morning we got started right away on the high priority jobs – one being the tank job on the GB42. These tanks are getting sanded and epoxy coated before being installed.

We are also priming the Albin 28 today and it should be top coated by the end of the week. We intended to have this done much earlier to get it ready to show but Springtime is just a nightmare service-wise. Now that Memorial Day is over we can concentrate our efforts on these br0kerage boats.

The last big varnish job we have is the Joel White 40. Fortunately this owner was not an early spring customer but he would like to have his boat next week.