The B-U-T-Full weather continues. John is out today and will be watching the shuttle land at Dulles airport. I hadn’t even known this was going to happen but when I googled it I found a guy who was going to do a live blog that is being updated all day so if you are interested,
here is the link. Here though, it is business as usual – starting off the day with a full schedule of boat moving. Most of these are not headed to the water however but merely being moved to get to other boats.

We put a fuel tank gauge in a GB yesterday. This was not as easy as one would think. We were operating through a small deck plate to get to tank.

Installations usually make a mess but the customer only gets to see the final product. Here is the stage the actual gauge was in when I went up to the boat. It looks much better now.

I showed the decks on an Eastbay 38 being worked on yesterday and he did manage to get all the plugs in. Total count was actually over 100.

It’s looking pretty good now!

We had custom risers show up for an Eastbay 43 late yesterday which we are installing this morning. These were actually encased in fiberglass to avoid the wrap that usually has to go on. I would assume it is some sort of high temperature resin that they use.