For the second time in 2 weeks I came in to find my glasses missing. This puts a total stop to my day and I have to wait for “someone” to tell me where my glasses are. My new policy is – if my glasses are gone, I’m gone – period! It really did set my mood for the day.
Boats are a movin’ now. It’s hard to tell from one minute to the next where you may find the one you are looking for. We move them outside and reblock to finish the work we couldn’t do in the hole.

Dark hulls are a bitch to compound in the dark. This boat has not been compounded for a while but you can see a little bit of elbow grease goes a long way. There is still a haze to the compounded area but I’m not sure we are prepared to spend a week on this polish job.

Another boat is moving to launch today. They spent the afternoon yesterday prepping and painting the bottom, coating the props and getting ready for this morning.

Fortunately I reminded them that they had not installed the swim ladder under the swim platform – that would have been a bit hard to do with the boat in the water! This will delay the launch a few hours but still give us the time we need to finish up the in-water work.

I showed you a blank mounting board yesterday. I crawled down in the hole to get his photo of the completed install just so the owner, who is out of the country, can see it. Vacation – what a concept!

We got in a new motor mount for the Rainbow and played around with how to mount it with the least amount of labor.