It’s a wet one – but not unexpected. The rest of the week should be a real joy (except for that being at work part.) We started out moving boats in the rain – cause that’s the way we roll.
This boat is going to get the bottom paint removed and be barrier coated. It has needed it for years – someone had been putting multiple coats of hard paint (not ablative). The boat was sold in the fall and after the survey report the new owner decided it would be a good way to start off the season.

You can see that the sheer weight of the paint is making it flake off. We had alerted the last owner that wouldn’t put any more bottom paint on the boat since the heavy paint on the bottom was causing new paint to flake off.

If you have a Europa, you may have problems with the sliding door barrel bolts. The ones that come on the boat are to be frank – cheap. They don’t have enough beef to stand up to the inevitable slamming and unexpected movement of the doors. I had to do quite a bit of searching to find one that was heavy, attractive and with long enough throw to latch the door.

These came from
McMaster-Carr and are stainless with a nickel plated bolt. We used the same ones on another Europa a few seasons ago with excellent results.
We also have more fiberglass work being done. One owner had requested that the gel coat peeler come into the yard to do a sample. Well he showed up after hours and peeled the wrong boat – that’s right, the wrong boat. That’s why we have strict rules on sub-contractors in our yard. Fortunately it was only a small area and fairly easy to repair and the boat is getting barrier coated this week or next so any repair work will be encapsulated.

With the warm weather upon us the varnish guys are busy every day and it would be wrong for me to not post a photo of one of them.