It’s still nippy out there but should improve later this week. I can feel the barometric pressure from the spring rush dropping which means we will soon be entering the busiest time of the year. I can’t wait!
There are actually several tell-tale signs that spring is coming. Firstly, the air conditioning guy is here looking at systems that reported problems when the boats came in for storage. Some problems can be solved on the ground – some can’t. We’ll take care of what we can now and the others will have to wait for commissioning. Although I harp on cleaning air conditioner filters most people did not ask for that service. Hopefully, they are doing it themselves. It is also important to keep the basket strainers clean – sometimes you actually have to look in them – that’s why they’re glass!
Another sign of spring coming is the beginning of varnish work. We could actually prep at any time but even the patch work takes a fair amount of good temperature for the varnish to cure properly. You don’t want to put new varnish over inadequately cured patches. We do have a new varnish guy on staff now – Angus (say hi Angus!). Well he actually does a lot more than varnish and comes to us from a prestigious yard nearby (we won’t mention any names here.)

Willy jumped right in on some spur servicing yesterday. He is the master at this and seacock/strainer maintenance (see above). He seems to be taking the EOV pretty well. (end of vacation)

I talked about replacing the broken gas spring ends yesterday. Here is the ram with the new metal ends. Unfortunately there is too much glare for the broken clip to be seen in the old part. The plastic ends were actually black and had been painted white. As you could image, it is hard to get paint to stick to plastic parts.

We are also gearing up to do the barrier coat on the GB46. We will be filling some pin holes that opened up during the blasting and sanding before applying the barrier coat. We are still vacillating on the product we will use to fill with. Although we like other products we almost feel like we should stay with recommended products for the barrier coat to ensure if we run into any problems the factory rep will back us.