A predicted high of 46 degrees today – a virtual heat wave! Of course, it declines the rest of the week but for today Kevin came in to do some polishing. With Pat back from his pneumonia (not bronchitis as I had guessed), mechanical work is back in full swing today. Right now he is out rebuilding Racor filters. They do need servicing every once in while – keep that in mind. Also if you have Air Seps, they also need an annual cleaning – like the ones below. They can only be cleaned 3 times and then the cartridges need to be replace.

The tube below is a water tube on a generator. This is the second such tube we have had leak in 2 years. They seem to get holes in them for some reason. Being an expensive part and somewhat suspect as far as reliability, we find it is best to replace with some high quality hose for a lot less money.

We were also able to fix the frame that came off the Grand Banks window. The new track should be in today so we can start reinstalling that this afternoon or tomorrow. We also got all the old the bedding and seal up the area in preparation for the new track.