Another beautiful fall day today. We have just as many boats this year as last but they are slower getting in – probably due to the continuing good weather. Consequently I can see a mad rush coming late in the month. We still winterize every day but at a pace that keeps morale in check (almost).

Our sea trial on the GB42 Europa went without a hitch yesterday and got a very good report from the surveyor. One item we fixed for the sea trial was a Duramax shaft seal that instead of being leakless, was very “leakful”. The reason became apparent when we disassembled the unit. The nylon ring is supposed to mate flush on the stainless ring. At some point the engine may have been run out of alignment – or maybe this is a normal wear and tear item – but the stainless ring actually has a groove worn in it which was allowing water to weep by. Could you imagine the amount of friction it would take to wear a groove that deep in stainless steel?

We have one boat being soda blasted this morning. We sometimes do this in house but only when we are slack. It is so much easier to have our buddy at Choptank Soda Blasting do the job. When he is done he cleans up thoroughly and hauls everything away and you never even know he has been there (except for the clean bottom).

One of our recent sales involves the trade of a very nice
Legacy 34, which we now have listed in our brokerage department. We wanted full access to the engine room to service the engines and do a bit of clean up (it didn’t require much, the boat was well maintained!) so we removed the helm area floor. This is a very nice feature if you need to do real maintenance on the engines.

John wanted everyone to see this photo: