The countdown continues to my vacation. We may have to adjust our plans a bit to compensate for the impeding hurricane action coming up the coast, because being at the beach during a hurricane just wouldn’t be much fun –
but it won’t change my vacation schedule because my mind is already set on that.
I forgot to show the progress on the swim platform bracket on the 42 Europa from Friday. We had some customers come back for a second look this weekend and they just couldn’t believe
the difference a few days could make on the overall look of the boat.

We pulled a 42 classic yesterday to install a transducer – and it’s a good thing we did! The
barnacles were having a party on the underwater gear on this boat.

This is why
we don’t include barnacle scraping in our haul out prices, you just never know what you are going to run into. You can just scrape the barnacles or you can scrape and make it right.

Making it right involves
a lot of sanding to get the roots of the barnacle from the gear. After we get this all cleaned up we will coat it with Pettit 1792 Barnacle Spray.

And this is why we always pull the strainer covers off during a bottom job. They will keep building up until they shut off the water supply.

They are on the last step on the cabin side painting – wet sanding the primer. You would think that would be better than dry sanding because there is no dust but believe me,
it’s nasty work with the dirty water running down your arms and all over you. We won’t be spraying the top coat until the windows are in – which should start this week if the glass company gets the glass done.