I was told yesterday morning I would be off today due to the horrific temperatures yet here I sit. There are 2 other guys here, one working on some frozen pipes here at the marina and the other on boat battery detail. With the wind my weather app said “feels like 0”. To me 0 means there is no temperature — that means it’s neither hot nor cold but I guess I’m wrong because it is frickin’ freezing out there!

Just a few photos from the camera for today. If I had the other camera I would have more photos. That’s the problem with multiple cameras. This photo is of the transom door area which shows some stress cracking. We can fix this but there is something there that caused that to crack there and without fixing the underlying problem this will reoccur and maybe not at the present location since the repair will be strong, but rather right next to it.

From the same boat, we are doing some varnish work. Izzy brought these pieces in because frankly, they look like crap. There are some places on these that have been repaired and the epoxy turned black so there are black streaks. This really should just be recut from a new piece of teak but mixing some teak dust with the glue would go a long way towards making them look better. The main reasons these cracks are there is because the holes were not countersunk correctly (or overtightened) to make room for the underside of the screw head. The taper under the head makes a wedge which spreads the grain and opens the board up.

And I found this photo of Izzy on the camera. (yes girls, he is available!) The hoodie seems to be the uniform of choice these days out in the shop. Maybe I should get one.

My friend Teddy Clucas is always bringing me interesting wood to turn. This is a piece of Sumac (not poison sumac mind you). The crotch should produce something interesting.
Deep Freeze