We are anxiously awaiting the snow – with some reports saying up 10″ and it is supposed to be COLD tomorrow making today look like a tropical vacation complete with rum and cigar (right Torsten?) We may or not be here depending on road conditions. But we are here now.
And speaking of tropical vacations Kevin is back today and has jumped right in on this small paint repair while waiting for the 49 to be put in the booth.

The repair is almost done on the lazarette center trough but since we have the steering cylinder and floor boards out right now we’ll wait to put it back since it is much easier to access the locker with out the support in place.

The damage around the perimeter of the floor board has been cut out and is ready to be “bogged” with some thickened polyester resin. This should seal it off from further damage.

Izzy likes to varnish the transom door since it is out in the shop and not out in the cold and he did take my advice and move it next to the window to get some natural light.
Workshop Update

Many things conspired to cut my work shop time down this weekend but I was able to complete several small projects. One of which is this box made from some ribbon striped Mahogany (Thanks Jean!). I dyed it with some water based dye and used some Compass Varnish (Thank you John Cornette from Interlux) which I actually put on with a paper towel.
Since this is the Eastern Shore I inset a gun shell into the lid. I left the inside natural colored with just a thin coat of mineral oil as a food safe finish just in case.