Same old, same old going on over here — winterizing and boat hauling. We go through a lot of antifreeze this time of year. Most of it goes into mufflers, some of which are volume hogs but we don’t want to take a chance on them since they are mighty expensive to replace.

Some places do bottom jobs by the foot. The following is the reason why we don’t. If we gave a per foot price on this job, we would have either lost money or given a bad job — neither of which we are comfortable with!

Evidently someone noticed an obvious lacuna in my current postings and
suggested some content — such as this shot of a boat all covered up and put in one of our storage upgrade buildings.

And of course, shots of the boats plugged in:

We also have portable power pedestals that we move around to have electricity where we need it — for charging batteries, working on boats, etc. We generally do not leave boats plugged in constantly. Although battery chargers are supposed to automatically shut off when the batteries are charged, we have seen them fail and fry batteries.