I got in late today because of a dental appointment – which, although undesirable, is still better than being at work. In fact, tomorrow I am scheduled for a colonoscopy which is
also better than being at work! When I arrived I didn’t see anyone here. I did pass two of the guys on the road and I can only assume everyone is over in Oxford working today. We topped out at 2 boats yesterday and only have 2 more to pull before the weekend so it’s not hurting the schedule.

It got a bit warmer yesterday so by late morning Izzy was able to shed his wet sweatshirt and dampen something a bit lighter.

In early afternoon we had a load of some stone come in for the travel lift area. They spread the bulk of it by hand before getting the dozer out. I guess they had more control by hand slinging. It was quite a big area that they covered. After the lift travels over this a few times it should harden up quite nicely.

One of our storage customers dropped by and we were chatting about woodworking — as I am prone to do, and he told me his son over in Centerville is making custom furniture so I’d like to share his site with you –
Richard Hammond Woodworks.

I’m already grouchy because I couldn’t have any coffee and by the time I miss lunch and dinner I won’t be any fun to be around. Hey, but at least they didn’t say I couldn’t smoke. Needless to say, there will be no post tomorrow.