
Fall weather has set in. I switched to long pants but still not able to don shoes yet. I had to hold myself back from turning on the heater under my desk when I first came in. We got a good start on the 42 yesterday. One of the projects was to sand the decks — maybe only on the flybridge (there’s not really a work order on this boat that I’m aware of).


The rails were removed to do the total varnish job on everything. This meant the underside of the handrails could also be done.


They also spent a bit of time reviving old brass rub-rail for a brief respite from the inevitable re-greening.


Kevin decide to build some knees to glass into the Shields to help with the stiffening. These are made from Coosa board. Here he has just given them a coat of resin before installing.


On the Albin 28, the gel was in deplorable condition so we did a test patch of compound to see if we can bring the color back (and get rid of the cloud).  You can see the difference below. I’m not sure yet whether this is the only solution.


The oil repository is coming along and should be ready for concrete soon.


Hard to believe but I saw a harbinger of spring outside the door this morning?