Still sunny and cold with a 90% chance of rain tomorrow. My bones long for temperatures in the upper 60’s. I was lucky to beat the rain since I had some fencing on order and
Brinsfield Fence actually showed up early! They got the whole 200′ up in one afternoon. They have also been plagued with rain problems and ours was one of the few jobs they had where the ground was not saturated (it is the Eastern Shore!)
One item of note if you are coming to the yard to visit (or work on your boat), there is a new restaurant in town –
Kay’s Country Kitchen. It is located in the same location as the failed Tommy’s Seafood. If you like good country cooking at very reasonable cost, this is the place to go! They also have very good crab cakes if that suits your palate.
Highly recommended!
Pat had one of those jobs that requires a younger, more spry guy but was able to pull it off anyway. Replacing a couple of short pieces of exhaust hose in a hole behind the engines. It’s a good thing I don’t post audio here. The old hose was wire reinforced and evidently was put in while the boat was being built. There is no way to install another wire reinforced hose without removing a lot of equipment. Fortunately in this case we could use exhaust hose without wire since there is no pressure or bends in the hose.

In the Beneteau, there was evidently at some point a belt driven water pump mounted on a board in the bottom of a sump. The pump was later changed to a water puppy style and mounted on the same board. We moved the pump and mounted to the side creating extra space. Of course it looks like some serious cleaning may be in order.

This boat will be shipping overseas at some point so we are tasked with cradling up for mast (in addition to the boat cradle which I showed last week). Here is the mock up of the cockpit end of the bracing. I
think I can visualize where this is going.