
It hasn’t gotten any warmer yet. All week it is predicted to be in the 30’s with plenty of wind to make us even more comfortable. According to weather.com there is a 50% chance of a White Christmas which suits me just fine as I never leave the house on Christmas. Pat is busy doing a scheduled maintenance job on a Caterpillar engine for a boat that was sold last week. This job is part of the sales agreement and has to be done by Monday so he may miss a bit of holiday cheer. There are bits of impeller stuck down in the heat exchanger which is not all that uncommon. If we see a bad impeller we make sure to get all the bits out, but not every one does that. The consequence is a blocked heat exchanger and if enough of the tubes get blocked you end up with a bad situation.
All the parts get a coat of Zinc Chromate Primer before applying the Caterpillar paint.
The best way to paint bolt heads
A few months ago we replaced the cabin sole in a sailboat and since we had another to do we prepped the teak and holly sole for the job. This is on a boat that is in our brokerage department and since there is now some interest in the boat we are going to finish the job this week. Since it has just a bit of curve to the floor, we had to cut grooves to get it to take the bend. It is important to seal the kerfs left by the saw as plywood will suck up some serious water. Back side of teak sole sealed At some point over the weekend my counter on the original blog hit the 75,000 page views. This is amazing. Thanks to all who come to blog on a regular basis and welcome to all the new visitors!