Trawler Orientation

The biggest hurdle for most people making the initial plunge into the mysterious world of trawlers is the lack of experience with this kind of boat. Previous trawler owners know what to look for, what they expect to find and exactly what they want out of another boat. But for the novice trawler buyer this is not that easy of a decision. Many come from sailboats, smaller power boats or some, looking for retirement options, just from a yen for the “trawler lifestyle”. We realize that this is a big step and for some, not the right step. To help find out whether a trawler is the boat for you, we are now offering a Trawler Orientation. What is a Trawler Orientation? A boat ownerThe orientation is a learning experience designed to make you more comfortable with making a purchase decision. It is much more than a test ride. During our orientation, you will get the same systems education and walk-thru that we give to our new boat buyers. All the major systems are gone over including, engines and maintenance, head and water systems, docking and maneuvering instructions, etc. You will get a chance to check the fluids in the engines, do anchor setting and retrieval, handle the docklines and actually pilot a trawler, all under the instruction and scrutiny of a licensed captain. The typical one or two day session would begin with the same check out sheet provided by the manufacturer. After a thorough check out and systems instruction, our captain will take you through docking and departure. This first session will consist primarily of docking maneuvers, and a short run with a chance for piloting. Day two would begin with a refresher of the previous day. After a short talk at the dock, more extensive piloting and navigation instruction. Day two would also include anchoring lessons.
John, You were right about my need for operation and system training – thanks to Chris, Eric and Dan, I really feel back in control. Eric spotted my problem immediately (no one else seemed to have a clue that the problem was bad batteries). I was happy to be able to do some business with you but happier to have had the good luck to meet you and get your input. I really appreciate the effort you made.
What other sources can you recommend? If you are in the shopping stage, we suggest plenty of reading. There are many good articles in our reading room. The most useful magazine for the potential (or present) trawler owner is Passage Maker. This is devoted to trawlers and the trawler lifestyle. You may subscribe from their website. We also are offering this service to new buyers who still feel that they have not had an adequate check out from their dealers or need a bit more orientation to feel that they are ready to “solo” with their new boats. This would also extend to owners who have had new equipment installed which they may not fully understand. For more information on this service, contact us.