Yesterday turned out to be about a 50 degree day and today only a bit less. It was a good day to work on a boat sitting outside. This
Island Packet 27 is for sale in our brokerage department. At one time there were quite a few of these on the market but that number has decreased dramatically. Since we are in a better position to sell we need to have it spit shined – part of which was the new cabin sole we installed (previous posts). The rest is all cosmetics.
We had polished this boat more than a year ago but just sitting out in the sun on the ground all this time dictates another polishing – it needs to look great for that impulse buyer!

Als0, the boat had had a fresh coat of bottom paint. If a boat sits out of the water the bottom paint starts to oxidize and starts looking dull and old. Just a good sanding with some sandpaper and wipe down will expose fresh surface which not only looks better but also increases the effectiveness of the paint.

Pat has been out sick all week. I assume it is bronchitis – he sounded real bad on Monday and we haven’t heard from him since. We wish him a speedy recovery since he has a ton of work to do before spring!