Last day of the week for me. I may have mentioned my anniversary get-away to the “sweetest place on earth”. Although the first day of Spring was yesterday its just down right cold this morning and looks even colder up in PA. I’d still rather be there than here. Hard to believe, huh?
But another indication of spring is the boat launching and we did the first yesterday. Well, this is actually a launch for survey so maybe it doesn’t really count.

Kevin finished resanding the Legacy and hit with another coat. This one should be perfect. Today will be the unveiling and by next week we should be reinstalling hardware.

The transom spots are being built up. After removing all that dead varnish it needs to be built back with the proper number of coats so it will not burn through again. Of course if you do too good of a job patching they may be hard to find after sanding.

There is always a lot of varnish work going on this time of year. For a long time we relied on outside contractors and we were at their mercy and operating on their schedules. It’s nice to have conscientious guys on staff who can do a good job of it.

We ended up sending somebody smaller into the hole on the Intrepid. That left room to actually work in there. The console should be good and stiff now.

We also got a set of props installed yesterday. These have just come back from the prop shop.