Come and see John at the boat show. We also have a celebrity broker — Scott Kinney who used to be with the Grand Banks management team is helping out with the show and is a virtual warehouse of knowledge about the Grand Banks. Between the 2 of them, there is probably no question that can’t be answered. Have a drink for me while you’re there!
Yesterday was such a whirlwind of activity I didn’t get much of a chance to take any photos. The EB 49 swim platform had previously been repaired but we wanted to sand the whole thing to make it boat show quality — we are probably competing against some very nice boats and don’t want to let our defenses down.

This was the last boat launched and John made it over to the show just in the nick of time. Funny how that always seem to work out.

I only have two guys out in the shop today and they are preparing to double stripe the boot on the Navy 44 we painted a few weeks ago. The owner wanted green (?) stripes. We mixed a custom green which had about 20% of the hull color in it. It will at least be close to a good match after introducing the blue to it.

We run a strip of fineline tape, but a 1″ masking tape, run another strip of fineline and then pull the masking tape. That should work fine until we get to the aft end where there is quite a bit of flare to the boot top. It will then be strictly talent to finish off.

Invitation to the Boat Show