Since the hot weather has returned the client having the bow thruster installed thought it would be a good idea to bring us some beer for later when we are spent from the heat – that certainly speeds his job up! Also the Paxton rep dropped off a case of bottled water, which is also highly appreciated. Of course, I’m drinking coffee all morning no matter what the weather is but those guys who work out in the heat need the hydration.
And speaking of bow thrusters the tube came in yesterday. The hole is already cut and Kevin was pre-shaping the tube before installing. He should be glassing it in about now.

If anyone needs a Follow-Me TV set up, this owner will probably let you have the one we pulled out of his boat yesterday for cheap.

The CAT guy got the engine out of the 43 yesterday. With the aid of a remote for his crane he was able to remove it with no assistance. He did sell a little gel coat repair for us though.

We got the Chris Craft completed just in time since the owners have big plans for the weekend. We did have to do a little detailing – they wanted it to look good for guests.

We are starting another Awlgrip job — probably on Monday so we moved the boat inside yesterday. I think I may have showed this before but look how high the waterline has been raised on this boat. Maybe he added a LOT of equipment to the boat.

Willy was back on the dock electric yesterday and was preparing one of our pedestals to be mounted out there.

I didn’t think it was possible, but they were able to get the engine running on the old piledriver out at the dock. Maybe it will be moved somewhere not so obtrusive now.

What the heck did WME mean? – Wednesday’s Musical Education