Another day in paradise – if it weren’t beginning to get crazy. The pace has picked up and more and more work is being ordered. Some of it could have been done during the winter had we known but now we call it “making hay while the sun shines”.
The bottom of the Albin is ready for some light sanding and fairing before laying on the barrier coat. Since this process did eat into the primer that was there and we weren’t sure whether it was a barrier coat or just primer, we do have to apply barrier since the boat will never be in this condition again (assuming the owner sticks to ablative paint.)

This Grady White has 3 whopper outboards on it – Yamaha 350 HP V8’s. You can imagine the fuel burn on this puppy. It was due for launching tomorrow but due to the threat of rain his plan has changed to Monday.

The varnish crew is turning out some fine work right now. It helps that it got warm before the pollen comes out.
A tip from Angus: Captain’s Varnish is a smooth laying varnish to work with but Flagship has more UV. He mixes them to get the best qualities from both. That is a new one on me as I always preferred the Captain’s for the ease of use. It works.

While the engine was suspended in the GB32 it was a perfect time to clean that area – which obviously been overlooked in the vessel’s past.

The tanks are now sitting in place. There is still a bit of work to go before plumbing them up. We had originally planned the job to use 4 tanks instead of two but later decided the bigger tanks would go in.

Work on the Legacy is moving along now with Super-Tom on the case.

We are removing all the gelcoat on the flange with grinders. You can see a bit of cracking under the top layer of fiberglass indicating that this is a high stress area. It more visible with the surface wetted.