We may or may not be off tomorrow. John alluded to but would neither confirm or abort. I guess it may be up to me to decide (and I know you know how that would turn out!) John is down at the
Miami Yacht and Brokerage Show this week. I tried to find a direct web link to the show but evidently they don’t have a web site or it is so far down in Google that my interest in finding it fades out to nothing. We are displaying
this GB46 and maybe others – I am on a need-to-know basis.
Since we are in the mast mode, we have this mast that was damaged and
replaced by a hard top a few years ago that we are going to revive. That’s a pretty gnarly hole where the spreader base was. We’ll have to see what the welder says.

I mentioned the survey haul out we did yesterday. Here was the main problem the surveyor found after hauling. There was also some minor tabbing problems associated with this. As you can see, this is not the first time this has been repaired.

The battery boxes are being finished today – maybe even painted, but that may not happen depending on how quick the epoxy cures. The insides were epoxied last night but the outsides needed some screw holes filled and a bit of finish sanding so they would be of the caliber expected in a nice yacht.

We are going back to the tent-within-the-tent to get enough heat generated with portable electric heaters to get the other parts done. The kerosene heaters work fine for primer but the fumes cause fish-eyes in finish coating. Even though it will be in the 50’s for several days, the cooler temps at night keep the concrete from heating up which keeps the booth at less than finish spraying temperatures. Kevin is going down to Florida on vacation next week so we have to resort to this in order to get things done.
John wants you all to download the
boat show app.