We only got the rain yesterday but snow is still in the forecast for Saturday. I wouldn’t mind
one snow day but would prefer it was on a week day so I could get a snow day from work! John has been scarce lately. If you have called for him I have given him your message. With boat sales picking up he is devoting a lot of time to that right now.
One customer wanted a radar reflector installed on his mast but he evidently did not supply the brackets with the reflector. This was easy enough to fabricate. We used stainless and polished it to avoid painting.

And this is how they work:

We also made a command decision to extend the small paint booth that is the corner of our large booth so we can finally get the davit parts and the mast painted. What a disappointment to find that there was not enough room with the Legacy in there to extend it far enough. We gotta do something with that boat!

I have been experimenting with some new WordPress plug ins and now you can actually see the weather widget now instead of hearing me complain. I also added the boating RSS feeds from New York Times website since a lot of those may be of interest.
Off Topic
Since I have gotten my Kindle I have not spent a dime on a book yet. There are a lot of free Kindle books at Amazon and if you are a Amazon Prime member you can borrow books from the library. Right now I’m reading
The Hunger Games which is excellent. It is actually written for teens but was recommended by AARP as a good read (I’m giving my age away here!)