Some rain predicted for today but for now merely overcast. I have no photos of
our guys working – couldn’t seem to find that happening! I do have photos with other people working though. First is our surveyor – Harry Seemans doing moisture tests on the boat that had all the bottom paint removed a few weeks ago. As he tests each area he writes the reading on the boat with a magic marker.

Right below that boat is a dinghy which would be considered questionable at best. I have lovingly named it Dumpster Dinghy.
Owner Project
The owner of a “new” brokerage GB46 is redoing the doors on the boat and I must say I am impressed. I never liked the teak formica GB uses – anywhere in the boat. It specifically looks bad in the doors with varnished teak around it. Below is how most boats of this vintage look:

The new improved door has solid teak insert. This is actually two 1/4″ thick boards with grooves cut in them and varnished to the same gloss as the door. While he had the door off he polished all the hardware and had new tint put on the glass. Now this is GB quality!
What’s In a Name?
The sign guy – Jeff Morton was in yesterday to put the name on another recently sold brokerage boat. The owner was excited to say the least.

And of course the name boards have matching letters with the same gold leaf. We got the first coat of varnish over this first thing this morning.