Another sunny day and 40’s and 50’s over the next few days. We may have dodged the winter bullet this year altogether. I do know my heating bill at home has been
very reasonable so far. I was even able to turn off my little electric heater next to my desk yesterday.
Replacing engine mounts on an Eastbay 38 began yesterday. I wanted to get in there and take some photos but there just wasn’t any room for a 3rd person in there. The inboard ones may be easy but I can’t image how they did the outboard ones.

The mounts we took out could actually be moved by hand which means when you set the weight of the engine on them they just bottom out. When this happens there is no vibration dampening at all – which is the purpose of the mounts. If you don’t care about vibration you could just bolt the engine right to the stringers! Plus with the vibration of the engine being sent directly to the prop and shaft you will never be able to keep an alignment.

Also going on in the shop is paint prep on masts, boom and davit arm. We thought we could spray them all at the same time but the davit arm goes on a boat where the mast is painted Oyster White while the GB has Grand Banks White. We can prime them all at the same time though.

We are also making aluminum brackets for the mast which custom fit the new electronics. These will be welded on before the mast is painted making a seamless installation.
Deal 111

It’s been a while since I had a new deal. This week I wanted to offer to install new sanitation hoses in a boat. Normally we charge a premium rate for this because, face it, it is nasty. But for this one deal only I can offer it for $60 per hour plus we’ll give a 15% discount on the hose. If your boat has that “tell-tale” smell this would be a good opportunity to take care of one of the primary causes. Remember, first response gets the deal. Good till the end of the weekend and then it’s gone.