We have a couple of people out today but hey, I’m here and that’s all that really counts. Of course, I seem to almost always be here. The lazarette hatches we are working on are almost ready for installing the teak on. They will still need some sanding.

I talked yesterday about not leaving an voids for water to collect. We used thickened polyester resin to perform this step. As you can see, there is very little room (probably none) for water to sit inside this hatch.

The Eastbay 49 that is slated for the Awlgrip job came in without the swim platform. John went and picked it up so we could install after the paint job. As you can see, this is one wide puppy!

Carlos has been on shaft and prop duty for about a week now. I wonder if he is tired of it yet? Most of these props will be coated with Pettit Zinc Spray when spring rolls around. I won’t tout the virtues of this product yet again (unless Pettit wants to put me on payroll) but it works!

And Izzy is still stripping varnish. Well he actually has the bulk of the varnish off and now faces a lot of sanding. We are hoping to get a couple of coats of sealer on despite the low temperatures — which I haven’t actually bitched about yet today.
Sneak Peek
I have been busy porting our site over to WordPress without having it look like a blog. Here is a sneak peek at it as it is right now. It will probably go through several permutations before I activate it. Still have many pages to move yet. I forgot how many we have.

And that’s a wrap.