They were right about the weather – it is oh so
pleasant outside. This should continue on into the weekend and beyond (if we are lucky!)
Yesterday the guys looked like they had been swimming they were so sweaty. They measured the heat inside the one boat they were working on at 103 degrees. Needless to say, they had to take many breaks to keep from passing out.
We should be more productive today.
They got all the cable ran for the bow thruster yesterday. All that remains is installing a battery. I probably
don’t need to tell you how expensive marine 3/0 battery cable is, but there is a lot of it in that boat!

We got the dinghy lift installed and then removed the swim platform which needs to be extended.

Of course, to extend the platform it needs to be totally disassembled. Someone, in their infinite wisdom,
thought it would be a good idea to pour epoxy into each screw hole before putting the teak plugs it. Consequently it took 2 guys all day yesterday and into today to get it apart.

The boot top is ready to be clear coated. I will get a photo when all the tape is removed.

There were also doing some patch work on the deck of the same boat. This required a bit of filling with thickened west system epoxy and a lot of fairing
to get the surface level enough to paint.

On a personal note, I have embraced my new band saw and have delved into making band saw boxes. These are my
first attempts and I have learned enough to take them to the next level.