Countdown to my vacation officially starts on Monday but I can’t help thinking about it now! Still a lot of work going on here for the limited crew we have. Starting Monday we have 2 boats getting new refrigeration installed and Rumsey will be back to work on that. The Alban CAT mechanic brought the engine for the Eastbay back in today and will be installing that which means we get to put the soft patch back in when he is done — but we don’t know when that will be.

We moved the GB42 out to the blasting pad to start some bottom work. This boat looks better all the time! We will be putting a listing together on it this week.

Also being done this morning on that boat is to re-paint the thru-hulls in the boot top. Some were peeling and some look like they had never been painted. I took the color chart out and Britesides Sapphire Blue seems to be a very close color match. This morning he got them taped up, sanded and metal primed.

He also got the transom on the GB46 stripped yesterday so he can start the sealing and building today. The teak looks even on this with no spotting or dark spots to speak of — which should make this a pretty good looking transom.

Carlos is stuck in maintenance mode as he continues with some degreasing and lubricating on the travel lift — it is our bread and butter machine so it needs proper care and feeding.