Temperatures are still holding in the 30’s but later in the week it should be better. It’s slow getting things moving until we receive our directions on the first day of the week so I don’t actually have any real content yet today. If I put if off there may be no posting — that happens when my routines are disrupted.
We are bring over some boats from Oxford right now and only a few left here in the yard. I predicted we would still have boats coming in until Christmas but it is a good chance all scheduled guests will be here by the end of the week. I’m still not sure what everyone is doing for the holiday — I only know I will have an extended vacation.
Grand Banks Charter

Many of you don’t know we have a GB42 for charter (and most of you already own one.) If you want to come from another area and cruise the Chesapeake during the season this may be a good way to do it. Also if you are just looking at buying a GB this may be a good way to solidify your decision (one way or the other). For details on this boat
go here.
Workshop Update
I had a very productive week end in the shop. Mostly commission pieces all weekend. One friend raises bees and wanted to give away honey for Christmas gifts and ordered some honey dippers to go with them. These are fun to make and take hardly any wood. These were made from an old maple counter top (except one from cedar just to see how it would look. ) Also I made a couple of bowls that had been ordered. No time to do my own stuff with holidays right around the corner. I may have to take the money I make to buy gifts for people 🙂

I thought I would give you a glimpse of what people see when they walk into my shop. Now this was 2 days mind you.