It was a LONG week for several of the guys who worked long days all weekend in addition to working in the extreme temperatures they endured all week. This was all Burger hard top related.

Today things seem to be getting back to normal (as normal as they get.) The Legacy 28 is getting the gear leg changed on the bow thruster. It was a bit tight up there in the bow for me to get a proper picture.

It is a bit overcast and not blistering hot yet so Carlos is taking this opportunity to get the polishing done on a boat he couldn’t do last week out in the blazing sun.

Kevin should be finishing up with the glass work this morning – enough to proceed with the rest of the gear installation at least.

On Friday, the Man engines showed up. They were tightly packed into a small truck. Unfortunately, they had been put in with a fork lift and the driver erroneously assumed we had a fork lift to get them out. We tried to do it with the crane that was here for the Burger project but as you can see there was just not enough head room over the engines to get the lift required.

End of an Era?
The gin pole out in the yard was installed when Dickerson was building boats and was used to install masts on the production boats. I had used it for years for removing and installing masts for service but it fell into disuse when John bought the property and this became primarily a power boat marine. The guy who cut it down said it had a lot of rot in it so it is probably a good thing we stopped using it.