The front that came in over the weekend seems to have brought some warmer temperatures this week although we are expecting some more rain tonight and tomorrow. Time to shed the winter coats! I spent the weekend building a section of fence and all the bending/squatting makes me feel like an old man today (I guess that’s natural for an old man!)
Just a word of caution. If you are bring a boat in over the weekend for a haul out, please
don’t leave it in the travel lift slip. We found the big boat below in the slip this morning which totally screwed up our launch schedule. Be considerate.

The little Blackwater seemed to have a couple of bilge pump problems. The most drastic was the pump just kept going off while not actually pumping any water. This needed to be fixed for the sale to go through. This relates to something I had in the blog last week. The
float switch brackets we make are made out of stainless steel. The one we found in this boat was aluminum and the switch had corroded off and was laying on it’s side down in the bilge.

The second problem was the bilge pump sounded horrific. One would suspect the pump had something stuck in it or was just toast. After removing the seat back and accessing the pumps we found they were mounted to a platform that was not screwed down. The pumps were making the fiberglass vibrate badly every time they ran. This is an easy fix as the screw holes are there – just empty!
Just a tip: If you have press fit tubing in your system there is a limit to how many times you can take a apart and reassemble. If it leaks after sticking it back together you can usually cut a bit off the tube to get to fresh surface. Funny, I was treated like I was stupid when I mentioned it on Friday but it did the trick. I don’t live in a void down here.