The weather is beautiful for this time of year — a great day for those out in the yard. I however got a terrible head cold over the weekend and not feeling up to par today. In fact, despite John being on a boat delivery, I am going to have to disappear at some point today and go back to bed to try to knock this out. John is bringing back a Grand Banks 47 he just sold which has a nice work order — hopefully full of interesting “blogable” items. And speaking of boat sales, he also sold one of the Eastbay 38’s we have listed. This one is going to ship out to San Diego later this week so we have most of the guys preparing this for shipping.

I had mentioned that we had an unusual storage applicant this year and it showed up over the weekend – Bridget Vardo!

On the Eastbay 49, we are ready to do the repair and already have the transom sanded for re-spraying. This repair will obviously be more permanent than the previous one that someone else had done.

After all the trouble we went to with the travel lift, we were able to haul a couple of boats on Friday before blowing a hydraulic line. Someone had put a hose on the steel line for chafe protection but it caused water to sit on that area and rusted the line through. While we are at it, we are replacing a couple of others that looked “suspect”.