Crisp and sunny with nice weather predicted all week — and we are beginning to haul for winter storage now. It took a while to free up space in the buildings as the boat shows took a lot of time but we are on track now. We also have booked some different boats in this year which I am eager to see and will display as they come in.
I may have said this before, but I could make my fortune if I could find a product that would keep barnacles off outdrives and underwater metals that would last a whole season and would cost no more than bottom paint.

It was also a nice day to do Awlgrip repairs. Of course Awlgrip is harder to repair than Awlcraft (which is generally why we prefer that variation).

We did another fuel tank inspection on Friday. Had I known they had started I would have gone out and got a photo. By the time I got there they were coming off the boat. I can offer you up a photo they took of the live feed they were getting off the camera. We need to be doing this with a laptop so we can capture the stream — I guess that will be tank inspection version 2.

I’m writing another sales contract this morning which is amazing – and at least a couple more to go. Nothing makes me happier! I did want to add one more photo of a dog that was in on Friday, this is Molly (see I am dog-friendly!)