I totally missed wishing all the fathers out there a Happy Father’s Day. I got to spend time with my son and my father-in-law and hopefully you all got the same sort of interactions. I also moved my day off until maybe tomorrow – there were just a few things that needed to be done today. I had to take a bit of grief for coming in today but old timers like me have work ethics that seem to be a bit more slack with a lot of the younger people.
The GB Europa got off this weekend after a late night on Friday and some Saturday time. The look on the new bimini arrangement was pretty good and very sturdy. We did run into a snag on the electronics. The owner had bought the Ray Marine electronics from a dealer at a show but they neglected to mention he would need specialized cables for the system to interconnect.

I didn’t get a photo of the altered dinghy chocks as they were working on those when I left at 5:45 Friday. Here is another view of the bimini frame.

Kevin finally got back on the Joel White to get the voids filled that he started at the beginning of the month. With all the varnish going on we didn’t want to chance getting any dust in the fresh varnish. There was epoxy down in the voids so we couldn’t use our favorite filler – 3M High Strength Filler – which is vinylester based. Instead we used the Pettit EZ-Fair.

First thing today we moved a couple of masts inside for painting. This basically took the whole crew and the dozer.