I almost missed work today due to a pretty bad back problem that cropped up for no apparent reason yesterday. I figured I could be in pain at home or in pain at work and my wife figured I was just a glutton for punishment. I try to take advantage of an absolutely beautiful weekend. Lots of pool time and just a few cold beers.
This did put a damper on chasing photos this morning so a brief walkabout (limp-about) was all I got.
The big focus today is finishing up the tank projects so it is pretty much “most hands on board”. Nothing like a crowd in a boat to create a party atmosphere! Finishing the hose hook ups was paramount on Friday.

And now that the tanks are all in, we need to replace the window that was removed to get the tanks into the boat.

By this morning windows were in, frames were plugged and painted and the job was done. This had a bit less time than we have in a normal window job as it just now matches the rest of the windows in the boat. We could dirty up the paint a bit and you would never know it was out.

With the paint job done on the Albin 28 it is now time to do some compounding and polishing above. It’s hard to see in the photo but the once chalk-white gelcoat has now regained a nice shiny creamy-white color. The small red tape stripe is eroded in several (well, lots of ) places and we were debating either removing or replacing. Personally I think it doesn’t need it.

Last thing Friday we got the little Tug boat in which the guy has been chomping on the bit to get – although I don’t know why.