Okay, I lied. I stayed until 5:30 on Friday but I wasn’t actually working. One of our customers dropped by with a cooler of beer and it would have been rude not to sit and have a few beers with him. Everyone else had left for they day – although a few were actually in Oxford helping with John’s Shields.
We got the Rainbow done on Friday for a Saturday AM launch. It was interesting to see 4 people painting the bottom on a 24 foot boat. It reminded me of a skit from
Ron White, I don’t know how many it would take, but I know how many they were planning on using.

The outboard bracket had been ignored so we had to sand that down and epoxy paint it. The red block just wouldn’t work with the current color scheme.

Work also progressed on the tank job although we had to throttle the crew back on that boat for a day – only so many people can fit in an engine room.

I like to think I learn something new every day. Friday I learned that Cetol is a good coating for bronze fittings –

The varnish on the Joel White is also an ongoing project – there is a lot of patch and build to do.

There also some paint bubbles on the hull where the spray rails are glassed on just at the curve where evidently some putty lived. These need to be popped and repaired.

And we made one guy’s weekend when he
finally got his boat. I did have to throw a bit of a “hissy fit” to make this happen.