It was a beautiful weekend – filled with tasks that momma wanted done. I don’t know who started the “mother of your children” crap for husbands to get pulled into the Mother’s Day scam but there I was. While scrubbing the green from the siding on the north side of the house I was thinking that this was a lot like having a boat. Some tasks which take a bit of time don’t get noticed when you do them – they only get noticed if you don’t do them.
We’re starting in the week with a couple of rainy days. Friday however was a beautiful and we did get to launch some boats.

Also on Friday we worked with the Pettit Rep who is making a movie of using
Easypoxy top sides paint. We may be famous after this! The movie covers a wide spectrum of products that are used including the Biowash. Of course, I had to insinuate myself into the movie at several points and on at least one occasion I had a cold one in my hand – ’cause that’s what average Joe is going to be doing.

The purpose of the video is to show the average boat owner how to paint their own boat using the “roll and tip” method. I’ve seen some of his work and it looks sprayed. Even though he trained Angus in the method, we were priming it and the primer just doesn’t flow like top coat will. We will be posting the video or a link to the video when it is done but in the mean time you will be able to watch the progress here.

On the Bertram they finally moved up – out of the stones that is. They got smart and laid out all the small parts on some scaffolding. That has to be better on the back as well as the knees!

We had our own surveyor come in to look over the OYA-Newman that we recently sold. The buyer his surveyor coming in this week and we used our surveyor’s notes to fix anything that is likely to pop up.

One of the items was a note that the caulking at the eyebrows, while still flexible, had surface cracking. We dug out the hardened surface and added fresh caulking. It did take about 4 times as long to tape as it did to caulk but that is a common occurrence in a lot of repair work.

There was also some lost adhesion on the engine room insulation. It got pretty stinky in there with all the adhesive fumes being sprayed. The one guy who
elected not to wear a mask had to go home early with an
upset tummy. Imagine that – leaving early on a Friday.

Just as a point of interest. I love my brad nailer and use it all the time. I saw this nail gun and now need to get it as well.