Just another Monday and the last day of April – the spring rush is
almost over. I can see a time in the very near future when Fridays are no longer a day to be dreaded.
Today we drag ourselves back with the memories of a beautiful weekend to get us through. It should be back up into the 80’s tomorrow with the threat of thunderstorms so forewarned is forearmed. We are accomplishing the outdoor tasks today and start off the day with our normal boat launchings even though the tides are exactly with us at this time.

Willy must love love Monday’s – he was all smiles this morning.

This was hopefully the last clamshell vent to install this season. We attach them with Sikaflex and masking tape to hold them in place until the adhesive dries.

One problem Rumsey was trying to solve was how to paint the rusty pan inside a generator sound shield. This has to be dealt with or it will just keep getting worse. The only way to get the pan done right is to lift the generator.

We explored a lot of possibilities to avoid making this an expensive and time consuming project. We only need to lift the generator about 2″ to get the pan out. There is a lifting eye on top of the generator but nothing overhead strong enough to lift with. An A-frame would work but there would be no room for a block and tackle to lift with. We decided a little brute strength and some rails and blocks would probably work best. We’ll let you know how that worked out.

And just for your enjoyment – here is John in his Shields – you probably can’t see the smile on his face but surely you can envision it. This was sent to me with the caption “the boss being towed” so I expected Bruce Springsteen to be in there but alas that wasn’t the case.