Another beautiful day and a lot going on. We had an interesting encounter with someone looking for a job this morning – but we are never THAT desperate. Evidently Hinckley let a lot of varnishers go and we already got the cream of the crop from that cut. We’ve been real pleased with the varnish work and the attitude and the work ethics – he’s a keeper.
Lots to talk about today. We are finally finishing the J29 repair. It is strong and if you sound it, it sounds as solid as a rock in that area. A little more fairing and it will be done.

On the GB32 tank job, we should be done this week with the original work order. Looking down into the engine room already looks better. The engine is all painted up and the surrounding area is nice and white.

Also part of the original work order we were to replace the water heater. We elected to go all stainless instead of the metal encased Raritan. This one even has the stainless tank instead of glass.

More on the Dunlap hose I mentioned on Friday. This came out of another boat. This one has been bad long enough for the water to rust the wire inside the hose and leak rust to the outside of the hose.

I’m not sure why they don’t use stainless wire in the hose but I guess if the wire is getting wet – either inside or outside, it is time to replace the hose. The hose is hard to cut and we usually use a hacksaw and wire cutters.

These types of hose problems where there is cracking in the hose is only visible with
adequate engine room lighting so keep that in mind.
And just something I happened to notice while I was walking by. This boat had the water line raised (substantially) at some point but obviously they didn’t bother to use primer.