We closed at 3 on Friday due to nice weather but by the time I got home the darkening had begun along with heavy winds. It then proceeded to rain like there was no tomorrow. There were many mini-tornados around the shore and unfortunately Pat’s house was in close proximity to one. Needless to say, he is not at work today.
Kevin is back in after basking in the Florida sun for a week – but he didn’t seem all that recharged! His job today is to paint the davit boom and parts. We couldn’t do them at the same time as the mast because they are a bit different shade of white and it had to match the color of the mast on that boat. Conflicting shades of white just jump out at you.

Friday I showed you some old spreader lights. The new LED ones came in in the afternoon and here is what they are going to look like on the new mast.

There seems to be new lights all over this boat. I found this nice Imtra wall lamp in the salon.

The boys were pretty proud of their yard work and I know they would want you to see some of the results. Like I said the other day, a little mulch would really look good here.

One of the things I wanted to do on Friday after I left was to try to make a mold for some small clamshell vents. I wanted to do a plaster mold. I got it poured but by the time it had set I had to get on a floor sanding project which ended up eating the whole weekend. If I successfully pull a part from the mold, I’ll post it here. If you never hear about it again you’ll know it was a failed experiment.