Another crappy weather day with a wintry mix later today and rain tomorrow. Very limited attendance today and Pat and John are working over in Oxford. We lost one employee on Thursday who has left to move to the western shore – Good Luck JB! Consequently there is not much to post again today.
On Friday’s post – I was right, it was both a sprained ankle and a broken leg. The best of both worlds. My wife was annoyed that I came to work today instead of using some sick time but sitting around all week end was already starting to drive me crazy. I figured I could work until the pain killers started to wear off and then go home and elevate my leg the rest of the day. It does give me something legitimate to bitch and whine about since I spoke to customer who said it was around 10 degrees (-10 with the wind chill). Looks like I can’t whine about the weather anymore.
I will try to post something more “yacht-worthy” tomorrow. I have asked everyone to try to get pictures while they are working because I’m pretty sure I won’t be climbing up any ladders for a while 🙂