To tell the truth, I didn’t really
miss posting yesterday. Sometimes a day off from the routine sharpens you a bit – although it probably won’t be evident in today’s posting. The weather is a bit nippy, still overcast and we don’t have much water in the creek today. But time is running out and we must keep on hauling. This morning we are going to catch some of the smaller boats that don’t have deep keels. We were able to haul one last thing yesterday and are putting it away right now.

We also have a lot of little outboards that need a bit of service before we can call the season finished. We are squeezing those in between oil changes and winterizing. That’s why we have Tom here!

You probably thought we had abandoned the transom on the Eastbay. We got the boat moved inside and Kevin will be priming it today. All the repair work is done. We placed the tent frame in place and he will “plasticize” it and vent before spraying.

The other 49 was leaving this morning for Florida and the captain reported a bilge float switch not working. Well the switch worked fine – it was the attachment base that was amiss. It looks like it has been melted. In any case, if the switch is floating, it’s not going to work!
Mid-week Pick Me Up