We have a rainy day today – it would have been a good day to sleep late but it didn’t really start until I got here and I haven’t slept past 6 AM since I was in high school. In any case we did not start off the day launching boats first thing. We have one boat I have been trying to get launched for a week so here is another day that it won’t happen. I may go on strike.
Yesterday was beautiful however and we got started on launching and rigging a Cape Dory which came in on a trailer.

The were still masking the Legacy for spraying the primer. I
assume we will be finishing the 2 small boats first since we can’t really fit another boat in the tent.

We are working on the cosmetic restoration of the Bertram cockpit area. The coamings required quite a bit of patching and build coats since they obviously had not been properly tended to for – well basically ever.

Pat installed the bilge alarm yesterday. I had shown you the little bracket that is holding the switch but it needed to go down in the dark recesses of the bilge.

And here is the alarm mounted at the helm. Like I mentioned there is only an indicator light on the flybridge which saved the cost of buying another alarm. I’m interested in seeing if you can actually notice the light when it is out in the bright sunshine (not today).

On the same boat the owner had had an insurance survey and the surveyor was not fond of the standard hand pump found in the early GB’s which takes about 7 strokes to pump a gallon. This one does about 11 gallons per minute. You don’t want your arm to fall off if your boat is taking on water!