Almost everyone is over in Oxford getting the boats ready that are going to the
Annapolis Brokerage Show. That makes this a Limited Attendance Day over here in Trappe. Notice I didn’t say
Optional Attendance Day since that would mean I wouldn’t be here blogging today! We did have some some jobs to get done over here — this is the perfect time to get small repairs done since they don’t interfere with the large jobs.
On the GB32 that went to Trawlerfest there was a minor electrical glitch which caused 2 indicator lights to flicker a bit. Nothing else seemed to be effected and since nothing was actually running during the show it wasn’t a problem. Now we needed to find this minor problem and we did this morning. It was just a bad in-line fuse holder which was being replaced when I went out to the boat.

Just one detail on this boat that many people don’t notice — although you would notice it if it weren’t there. That is the King Starboard trim around the bottom of the flybridge. It beats the heck out of trying to varnish this little bit of teak. The next logical step if I owned the boat would be to take the windshield brackets up to the local metal fabricator (my son) and have them make simple stainless brackets that would line up with the holes – similar to what GB uses now.

Another issue we run into is ethanol gas related. This particular customer has a gas generator that rarely gets used. This carburetor gets pulled off and cleaned all the time. The best bet would be to turn the fuel off and run the generator dry after every use.
Pit Update:

The concrete arrived late in the afternoon and we got the walls poured. I understand that there will be short walls installed on top before the roof and the sides covered with dirt. If they drop the bomb we have somewhere to go!