
We are still ducking the thunderstorms – under the radar so to speak. John seems to spend all his time over in Oxford tending to the Burger. If you need to contact him, the phone over there is 410-226-5454 but he is probably in and out of the office — but he is not here. Kevin is finishing up the bottom on the Legacy with a bit of sanding where the filler was put in for fairing. Hopefully we can get this wrapped up pretty quick.

Suited up

The pile o’ plywood I showed yesterday has now magically come together as battery boxes. A bit of epoxy coating and they will be ready for service.

The pretender

The battery boxes will live in the new equipment room on the GB42 where the washer/dryer were removed. There will also be Vacuflush generator, inverter and other equipment located there. This means drilling some access holes through.

Holy Cow, what you doing now

Instrument installation involves just a bit of woodworking as well as mechanical abilities — such as making holes for displays to mount in.

2 man job?

I forgot to post this picture from Monday but I don’t want to cut Carlos short – he is a valuable member of the team! The employees seem to enjoy seeing themselves on the blog — with the exception of the ones in the witness protection program:)

Lots of horse power here

This is just a proposed ad for Mountain Dew – because this is the image they want to cultivate.

Diabetes in the making

Mid-Week Pick Me Up httpv://youtu.be/uSHzODm-Ik8