Time flies when the work is piled up. Deliveries are coming fast and furious – some of them with secret deadlines, we are on a need to know basis as I’ve said before. Ones that actually make it on the hand written calendar and with definite delivery dates right on the work order seem to be the ones that are hardest to achieve for some reason.
As usual, we are starting off the day with our launches today as the tide sort of dictates the launch schedule. This boat had headed out to the launch pad last week but during commissioning we found a bad raw water pump and had to regroup.

In order to replace the seals we had to remove the pump for rebuilding. This is a pretty quick job and the seals came in yesterday afternoon and the pump was on by the end of the day.

Of course bottom painting is on going this time of year. I used to like doing it but it loses it’s appeal about a month into the season!

This boat has obviously been cruising in some shallow water (can you say aground?) It takes a bit more attention to paint this area as the coating has been compromised.

The varnish guys are going like gang busters. This set of name boards is almost as big as Izzy. They are off the Krogen and the name is being changed.

The prepping of the Bristol skiff began yesterday by removing all the decals. They are not reapply-able so the owner will have to decide whether to get a new set from the manufacturer or to go incognito.

We got a new sander just to take care of the paint jobs we have lined up. It is a 3M self-generated vacuum air powered DA. Kevin had been drooling over this for a couple of weeks. The sander worked great yesterday afternoon but this morning he had to switch to hand sanding to get all the lapstrakes.
New Products

I had a salesman stop by yesterday to give me the “dog and pony show”. He had an interesting new bilge pump called the
Whale Supersub Smart 1100 – a high-capacity, low-profile automatic bilge pump featuring a narrow design that’s ideal for tight spaces. The multiposition outlet port can be rotated vertically or horizontally, allowing for installation in low-clearance and narrow bilge compartments. An integrated sensor switch automatically senses water in the bilge and activates the pump.