Well it looks as if we will be getting some of the rain which we so desperately need. We did have one boat outside that we are moving back inside since it needs to be finished by tomorrow and there is still a coat of varnish to apply – not a rain-friendly task. It also got much cooler – much to my chagrin. Once I switch over to my shorts I seldom go back until fall.
This is the last shot of the Shields which now looks pretty darned good. I’m not sure why there is a gap in the cove stripe, it must be a Shields thing since it has been that way since John got the boat.

If you have a
Cablemaster shore power management system you will find that like any other system in your boat, they will require a bit of service now and again.

What is happening with this particular system is that the individual leads are twisting up inside the casing of the cord. As you can imagine the cord won’t move smoothly and has bunched up knots which won’t go smoothly through the rollers.

On this Eastbay we are replacing the center windshield which has a crack. It is quite the ordeal to get it out of the frame as it has a bunch of small wood trim that tends to crack as you pull it out.

We are also replacing the gasket when we put the window back on. We have seen lots of different kinds of gasket on these windows since people tend to just reinstall anything that seems like it would work. We are putting on a D-profile bulb gasket.

We did get the new exhaust risers in the boat yesterday. They are a bit heavy and awkward to get into place but hey, that’s why we get the big bucks!

And on the Albin we pulled the broken elbow off for the owner this morning. This may be a common problem since the parts guy at Mack Boring seemed to know the part numbers off the top of his head!

We are installing a new air conditioning unit in a GB32. The old unit was installed under the helm seat and would not direct the air where it was needed. We are putting the new unit in the settee and have made this plenum to house the vents and direct the air forward towards the living area and berth.

John did bring me back a photo of the shuttle up at Dulles yesterday. I thought it a bit humorous that the guy who was going to be updating his website all day got caught up in the massive traffic and missed the whole event.

Lastly I would like to share a very nice email I received yesterday.
I can’t tell you how pleased I am with the new door inserts on Freedom. They are perfect.
I want to recommend them and your workmanship to other GB owners.
Please send me the “before & after” pictures. I couldn’t find them that used to be on your web site.
Thanks again,
Here you go – before and after: